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Directions to New Range

The postcode SY7 8QX on smartphone or satnav will take you to a track off the road where there will be a sign to the New Range on shoot days.

You can download a printable (pdf) version of these directions here.

Your starting point needs to be the cross-roads junction close to the east (Bishop’s Castle side) of the entrance to Two Crosses farm. Directions to the general area are here Where We Are

If you imagine coming out of the usual venue on to the road and turn to your right, this junction is about 110 metres along the road.

So if you normally travel via Clun and Newcastle, the cross-roads are just past the usual farm entrance.

If you travel via Edenhope or Bishop’s Castle, the junction is 110 metres before the usual farm entrance.

You need to take the exit signed “Three Gates” and “Clun”.

There is an overall map of the route from the usual Two Crosses range at the end of these directions.

This is a right-hand turn if coming from Newcastle and past the usual entrance or a hard-left hairpin if coming from Bishop’s Castle and the second-left if coming from Edenhope.

After you have turned, follow the lane for about 320 meters (0.2 miles) to a copse of fir trees and a right-hand junction next to a wind turbine.

Turn right here.

After turning right continue on this lane for about 520 metres (0.3 miles) to the junction of a track on the right side of the road. The postcode SY7 8QX on Smartphone or Satnav will bring you here.

You need to take the right-hand fork here. There will be a Border Guns sign on shoot days from 9:00am on the fence as shown, directing you to the track on the right.  This track is the entrance to the farm “Three Birches”. If you get to the farm you have gone too far! See below

Cross the cattle grid at the entrance and the track crosses a field diagonally and then runs along the edge of a fir wood on your right.

The entrance to the New Range is immediately at the end of this wood where the land opens up to fields and hillside. You need to turn sharp right here, but don’t drive straight down initially. Martin will meet you here and give you instructions before you drive down to the range.

At the end of the trees, turn hard right and follow the stone track that runs through the trees and down into the valley. As you come out of the trees, you will see the new range bays ahead.

Continue to the parking area and do park tidily, as space is limited.

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