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July 2024 Club Shoot Results

Here are the results for the July 2024 Club Shoot:

Match Overall

Match By Divisions

And also on the Results page with the Stage results.

Click on the post title if you can’t see the links.

May 2024 Club Shoot Results

Here are the results for the May 2024 Club Shoot:

Match Overall

Match By Divisions

Stage results only on the Results page (link below). The Practiscore format for stage results makes it a bit clunky for a website and a lot of work, so bear with us.

And also on the Results page.

Click on the post title if you can’t see the links.

April 2024 Club Shoot Results

Here are the results for the April 2024 Club Shoot:

Match Overall

Match By Divisions

Overall Stages

Division Stages.

And also on the Results page.

Click on the post title if you can’t see the links.

March 2024 Club Shoot Results

Here are the results for the March 2024 Club Shoot:

Match Overall

Overall Stages

By Divisions

Division Stages.

And also on the Results page.

Click on the post title if you can’t see the links.

February 2024 Club Shoot Results

Here are the results for the Febuary 2024 Club Shoot:

Match Overall

Overall Stages

By Divisions

Division Stages.

And also on the Results page.

Click on the post title if you can’t see the links.

January 2024 Club Shoot Results

Here are the results for the January 2024 Club Shoot:

Match Overall

Overall Stages

By Divisions

Division Stages.

And also on the Results page.

Click on the post title if you can’t see the links.

November 2023 Club Shoot Results

Here are the results for the November Club Shoot:

Match Overall

Overall Stages

By Divisions

Division Stages.

And also on the Results page.

Click on the post title if you can’t see the links.

October 2023 Club Shoot Results

Here are the results for the October Club Shoot:

Match Overall

Overall Stages

By Divisions

Division Stages.

And also on the Results page.

Click on the post title if you can’t see the links.

September 2023 Club Shoot Results

Here are the results for the September Club Shoot:

Match Overall

Overall Stages

By Divisions

Division Stages.

And also on the Results page.

Click on the post title if you can’t see the links.

August 2023 Club Shoot Results

Here are the results for the August 6th Club Shoot:

Match Overall

Overall Stages

By Divisions

Division Stages.

And also on the Results page.

Click on the post title if you can’t see the links.

Next Shoot Sunday 6th August

The next club shoot is confirmed for Sunday 6th August.
There was an error on the Shoot Dates page that read Saturday 6th August.
So Sunday it is and our thanks to the eagle-eyed member who spotted it.

July 2023 Club Shoot Results

Here are the results for the July 2nd Club Shoot:

Match Overall

Overall Stages

By Divisions

Division Stages.

And also on the Results page.

Click on the post title if you can’t see the links.

Practice Shoot this Weekend 17 & 18 June

We are not running the planned Safety Course this weekend, as there are only two people listed and they have just joined and regularly shoot at Borders. So we will teach them the basics over the coming months.

We are going to have a tidy up and alter the range a tad this coming Sat 17th June (9.30 am start) with a practice shoot later in the day and a camp-out for those who fancy that. Then we will have a another practice shoot on the Sunday morning 18th June.

Please text Martin if you’re interested on 075359 66640.

June 2023 Club Shoot Results

Here are the results for the June 4th Club Shoot:

Match Overall

Overall Stages

By Divisions

Division Stages.

And also on the Results page.

Click on the post title to see the links.

May 2023 Club Shoot Results

Here are the results for the 14th May Club Shoot:

Match Overall

Overall Stages

By Divisions

Division Stages.

And also on the Results page.

April 2023 Club Shoot Results

Overall match results for all-together (everyone) with the stage results. And the match results by divisions with their stages. And also on the Results page here.

March 2023 Club Shoot Results

Overall match results for all-together (everyone) with the stage results. And the match results by divisions with their stages. And also on the Results page here.

February 2023 Club Shoot Results

Overall match results for all-together (everyone) with the stage results. And the match results by divisions with their stages. And also on the Results page here.

January 2023 Club Shoot Results

Overall match results for all-together (everyone) with the stage results. And the match results by divisions with their stages. And also on the Results page here.

Shoot Dates 2023

The shoot dates for this year are now on the Shoot Dates page here.

All club shoots cost £20.00 per member and £30.00 for non-members. £50.00 for membership must be in by the end of January. (Club Shoot prices all include food – bring your own drinks ).
Arrive by 09:30 am for a 10:00 am prompt start.

Subscriptions to be paid by BACS to:

Martin Davies
Barclays sort code 20-20-20
Account number 40096792

November 2022 Club Shoot Results

Overall match results for all-together (everyone) with the stage results. And the match results by divisions with their stages. And also on the Results page here.

October 2022 Club Shoot Results

Overall match results for all-together (everyone) with the stage results. And the match results by divisions with their stages. And also on the Results page here.

September 2022 Club Shoot Results

Overall match results for all-together (everyone) with the stage results. And the match results by divisions with their stages. And also on the Results page here.

Practice Shoot Cancelled

The practice shoot scheduled for this coming Saturday 13 August is cancelled.

Martin, our host has sadly contracted Covid again and will not be able to run the planned session. Please share this with anyone that you think may not see this posting.